St Helen with St Martin, York


A message from the Churchwardens

Dear Friends

The Coronavirus pandemic has presented a significant number of challenges to most of us. For many, personal income will have changed and some will be experiencing financial difficulties. Unfortunately, this is also true for our parish. Currently, we have lost revenue from:

• Service collections.

• Visitors & tourists because the churches are no longer open daily.

• No summer concert programme or other fundraising activities

 Encouragingly, a number of parishioners have asked how they can continue to give during the current emergency. There are a number of options:

1. Donate by standing order. This can be arranged on-line or by the phone with your bank as either a one off or regular monthly donation. Our bank details are: CAF Bank, account number 00012035 sort code 40-52-40.

2. Cheque. Make payable to: St Helen with St Martin PCC York and post to the Treasurer at The Vestry, St Martin, Coney Street YORK YO1 9QL

3. Text. You can text a donation.To give £10 you send SHSM14£10 to this number 70070. You may change the £10 to the donation amount of your choice.

4. Cash. Yes you can still give cash. Please retain it in an envelope and give to the churchwardens when you next come to a service.

If you have not already completed a Gift Aid declaration form the Churchwardens can supply one.

We can claim Gift Aid relief on all cash donations of less than £30 under the GASD scheme without any paperwork. A concession during the pandemic means you may accumulate the donations and hand them in as one sum even if that exceeds the £30 limit. Your Churchwardens will advise further when you do.

Any help you are able to give will be much appreciated..  

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