For enquiries about:
Baptisms and Weddings
Please contact The Revd Canon Liz Hassall on 01904 635425; 07388 510894 email: liz@yorkcitycentrechurches.co.uk
or The Revd Nicky Gladstone Assistant Curate on 07759 458745 email: revnickygladstone@gmail.com
Funerals, Pastoral & Services
Please contact The Revd Canon Liz Hassall on 01904 635425; 07388 510894 email: liz@yorkcitycentrechurches.co.uk
or The Revd Nicky Gladstone Assistant Curate on 07759 458745 email: revnickygladstone@gmail.com
Bell ringing at St Martin's
Please contact the Bell Captain Peter Sanderson on 07818 011048 or email: peter@hopgrove.uk
For all other enquiries
Please email our Administrator: yorkcitycentrechurches22@gmail.com